Who is spending your time?

Get that monkey off your back! Are other people spending your time? Check by doing this after every meeting: Did your meeting start/end on time? If not what could you do to make sure this happens in future? Who benefitted most from the meeting? If it was you, is the benefit in the short or […]

The only time management tip you’ll ever need

What’s the only time management tip you’ll ever need? BE EARLY! Why? Being Early Saves Time AND Money The bulk of the time we waste is spent trying to catch up on things that could have been done earlier, in less time. By doing things before they need to be done we really SAVE time. […]

Remove the technology

Don’t dive into social media Free social media networks encourage small businesses to do their own marketing (or think they are). Often what they are doing isn’t marketing at all, they’re just producing noise and wondering why it doesn’t work. Diving straight in to using social media is like piping out the frosting before you’ve […]

We are never powerless

In the face or world disasters, personal hardship and events over which we have no control it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Despair is destructive and leads to inaction but when we start to make small gains in our influence, even if its only power over own emotions, we are in a better […]

Goals plans and strategies

Do you need goals, plans or a strategy? Imagine you live in the middle ages. It’s been a hard winter and the food has run out in your village. A bunch of responsible folk get together to decide what to do. You may hope that spring will come early but, as we all know, hope […]