Why reading philosophy and poetry is better for you than reading business books. 

Where do you find the answers to all those questions? A common thread in business conversations when people are talking about finding solutions to problems is “Have you read this book ….?” Closer prodding often reveals that people may or many not have bought the book; may or may not have read it; almost certainly […]

Are you more capable than confident?

Confidence can often trump capability due to the perception and social dynamics involved. “Confidence burst into the room and boldly sat in Capability’s chair. He put his feet up on the table and dared us to say something. We glanced furtively at one another, but said nothing, because we didn’t know what Capability looked like.” […]

Substack is always staggering from one crisis to another.

Are you tempted to use Substack? Maybe think twice. Substack is an American online platform founded in 2017 that provides publishing and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters and create varying levels of revenue. The platform takes a cut of revenue generated by writers but also pays high profile writers to use their influence to […]

How do you get lucky?

Success depends a lot on luck One of the most annoying things about the way business gurus describe success (as well as the “self-made man” myth) is that they rarely mention how much of it is down to luck. Yes, planning is important. Learning to do things really well is important. Making the right connections […]

You are not the work you do: you are the person you are.

What will you be when you retire? Will you be a Eustabie? Will you introduce your retired self as, “I used to be a consultant / coach / accountant / designer / (whatever)”? Some people spend a lot of time rehearsing their answer to the question, “What do you do?” If you were asked “Who […]