Blog Posts

If you want to soar like an eagle, don’t hang out with turkeys!

This quote, from Neil Bharadwa of Cambridge Fruit Company, made…

Finding your way through the business maze.

Getting a consistent, alternative perspective on your work is…

Are you vanilla or marmite?

Someone just described me as Marmite! Was I surprised? No. Was…

Poor pricing is what keeps most businesses poor

Should you compete on price? Too many small businesses think…

How to build an audience for your business

I'm always being asked how to get more people interested in a…

How (and why) to network on-line

Why should you network? If you have the sort of business where…

Freelancer, Entrepreneur or Business Owner?

Does it matter if you call yourself a Freelancer, Entrepreneur…

“I can’t imagine anyone paying me that much!”

How do you know you're worth it? I was helping someone to review…
George Zitko at Drive the Network

The business roller coaster

Have you ever wanted to give up running a business and look for…

Is social media losing you sales?

Do you rely on social media for your sales? What if using social…

Plans are useless

"The future is not a destination, it's a direction" This is…

Are you worth it?

Do your customers really value you? "We supplied an office of…

Are you working for your future self?

Present You wants a quick fix, instant gratification, rewards…
Crowd of people

This is the wrong question …

"How do I find more customers?" Whenever I hear that, I want…

Say no.

Are you having trouble staying focused? According to Jony Ive*,…