What are you afraid of?

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” Franklin D Roosevelt You don’t have to look far to find something to be afraid of – the internet is full of dire warnings and also, strangely enough, its also full of people who’d like to sell you the things that can protect you from […]

If you weren’t afraid of failure

What would you attempt if you knew without doubt that you would not fail? Michael Markham is a remarkable man. Abandoned by his mother and brought up in children’s home, he was fostered by a family he didn’t like and became disruptive, ending up in Borstal and finally given the option of joining the army […]

Have you broken your promises to yourself?

Everyone breaks promises to themselves Why? Because its too easy to make the promises when you know no-one is going to call you on them. Come on. Have you done what you said you’d do? If you work on your own, who is to know if nothing on your ‘to do’ list gets done? You […]

Belief in yourself

Self belief is a major factor in becoming successful. Many of the people I mentor have all the talent they need to be successful but suffer from a lack of self belief and confidence. This stops them from even trying to get what they want. Achieving anything is mostly about simply doing the right things […]

How do you decide what you want?

“Desire is the starting point of all achievement” “Not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” – Napoleon Hill A surprising number of people have trouble deciding what it is they most desire. There are lots of reasons for this: As soon as we have the thought about what […]